Cities of Islam
When during the crusades
(1095-1291), the Western Christians came in contact with the
Muslim East, Erbstosser says, the size and structure of Muslim
cities must have been impressive for such crusaders.[1]
At the beginning of the 11th century,
was, thus, a new and alien world with advanced economic and
cultural standards, that confronted the crusaders.[7]
Indeed, the contrast between East and West as far as
urbanisation goes could not be sharper. In medieval times,
whilst Western Christendom was formed of a society primarily
agrarian, feudal, and monastic, the strength of Islam was in its
great cities, wealthy courts, and long lines of communication.[8]
In Europe, the cities of antiquity had disappeared due to
economic crises, (5th century) invasions and
brigandage; the town was now merely a cramped castrum for
defence and refuge; the period was marked by the triumph of the
large estate and of rural economy ‘Barbarisation and
ruralisation having spread over almost the whole of the Western
World,’ says Lombard.[9]
Which contrasts sharply with Islamic Cordova, a city of
fountains; baths, schools, and much else, its thoroughfares, for
a distance of miles, brilliantly illuminated, substantially
paved, kept in excellent repair, regularly patrolled by
guardians of the peace.[10]
In Paris there were no pavements until the 13th
century; in London none until the 14th; the streets
of both capitals were often impassable, and it was only at the
close of the reign of Charles II (17th century), that
even a defective system of street lighting was adopted in
And the contrast was even greater, when considering that a city
such as Baghdad
at the end of the 9th
century had a population exceeding one million people, whilst
even in the 13th century, Lombard insists, we are
struck by the difference with Western Christendom; cities in
Italy, or Flanders, with population not exceeding thirty or
forty thousand people.[12]
In 1700,
is not just this contrast which is startling, especially when
one considers today’s situation, it is more astounding that the
early environment of Islam was the sands and tents of
M. Erbstosser: The Crusades (David and Charles;
Newton Abbot; Leipzig; 1978), pp. 130-1.
Z. Oldenbourg: The Crusades; tr from the French
by A. Carter (Weinfeld and Nicolson; London; 1965), pp.
476; 498.
M. Erbstosser: The Crusades; op cit; pp. 130-1.
R.W. Southern: Western Views of Islam in the Middle
Ages (Harvard University Press, 1978), p. 7.
M. Lombard: The Golden; op cit; p. 119.
S.P. Scott: History; Vol 3; op cit; pp 520-2.
M. Lombard: l’Evolution Urbaine; pendant le Haut Moyen
Age; in Annales, vol 2 (1957) pp. 7-28; p. 24.
S.P. Scott: History; op cit; pp 520-2.
M. Lombard: l’Evolution Urbaine;
op cit; p. 24.