Islamic Optics
solution to Greek optics
came in stages as is well explained by Lindberg.[1]
Early Islamic
followers of Galen held the view that vision occurred through a
ray, which issued from the eye towards the object, and either by
touching the object or compressing the intermediate air conveyed
an impression of the object on the eye.[2]
Hunayn ibn Ishaq (d.877) somehow sides with Galen. In his
Ten Treatises and Book of the Questions on the Eye, he
makes a more systematic version of Galen's theory, and provides
a more advanced ocular anatomy. Al-Kindi, on the other hand,
attacks the intromission theory because of its incompatibility
with the laws of perspective.[3]
Al-Kindi does not fail to make a critique of
was Ibn al-Haytham, who contributed most to the resolution of
the problem of vision, and set up the foundations for modern
optics. Ibn al-Haytham, according to Sabra, saw that a correct
theory of vision had to
combine the ‘mathematical' approach of Euclid and Ptolemy with
the ‘physical' doctrine favoured by the natural philosophers.[7]
Lindberg notes how the five strands, cited above,
converge in Ibn al-Haytham.[8]
From neo-Platonism through Al-Kindi, Ibn al-Haytham gained his
concept of a power propagated from all natural bodies, and in
the case of light this power consists of forms imposed on the
medium by the presence of a visible body. Galen's views on the
anatomy of the eye and his identification of the crystalline
lens as the sensitive organ are reproduced with little change by
Ibn al-Haytham, whose intromission theory of sight also owes
something to both the Atomists and the Aristotleians, whilst his
geometrical optics follows Euclid and Ptolemy.[9]
However, Lindberg points out, Ibn al-Haytham’s optical system is
by no means simply a composite of these earlier traditions, he
took the ancient materials at his disposal and constructed out
of them a new edifice.[10]
al–Haytham’s most influential work is Kitab al-Manazir,
translated into Latin
as De aspectibus
or perspectiva (The Book of Optics) by Gerard of Cremona
in the 12th century is lost in the original; but the
first three books (on direct vision) were edited in 1983,[11]
and translated into English (London 1989) by Sabra. The basic
element of the Perspectiva, of course, is its theory of
direct vision; it may thus be of value to describe this theory
in general terms as Lindberg does.[12]
The medieval Latin version begins with an attack on the ancient
theory of visual rays. The emission theory (Euclid and
followers), maintained that a ray issues from the eye and
proceeds to the object of vision where its termination
constitutes the act of vision. To Ibn al-Haytham it contradicts
a number of fundamental observations, such as that an observer
looking at a bright light may have the sensation of pain, and an
afterimage remains when he shifts his gaze to a darker place.
These and other observations imply that the eye is the recipient
of an action coming from without, which may occasion pain and
injury if sufficiently strong, and which leaves its impress in
the eye after the eye turns away.[13]
He, thus, concludes that:
‘Light issues in all directions opposite any body that is
illuminated with any light [and of course, also opposite any
self luminous body]. Therefore when the eye is opposite a
visible object and the object is illuminated with light of any
sort, light comes to the surface of the eye from the light of
the visible object.'[14]
al-Haytham equally resolves the problems of the intromission
theory by explaining physical contact between the object and
observer through the intromitted rays, and through its visual
cone explained the perception of shape (which had been ignored
by Aristotle) and accounted for the laws of perspective. Ibn
al-Haytham incorporates in his theory the mathematical
achievements of Euclidean visual cone, and the anatomical and
physiological tradition of Galen.[15]
al-Haytham’s greatest merit is in his reliance on
experimentation. As Hill notes, he rejects the axiomatic
approach of his predecessors, whereby postulates are assumed to
be self evident, and any experiments just meant to reinforce
Equally, Ronan points out
how Ibn al-Haytham breaks with the Greeks, his work
citing no authority ‘but the authority of empirical evidence.'[17]
In this, Ibn al-Haytham is not particularly innovative, but
simply pursuing his Muslim predecessors’ path. Al-Kindi, who
flourished more than a century before Ibn al-Haytham, who came
from the same part of southern
‘Anthemius should not have accepted information without proof…
He tells how to construct a mirror from which twenty four rays
are reflected on a single point, without showing how to
establish where the rays unite at a given distance from the
middle of the mirror’s surface. We, on the other hand, have
described this with as much evidence as our ability permits,
furnishing what was missing, for he has not mentioned a definite
Following on the same path as his Muslim predecessors, Ibn
al-Haytham is concerned principally with the origin of the first
principles and their justification, the first step in any
scientific investigation, and even more, he is very much aware
of the fallibility of sense-perception.[19]
also comments how Ibn
al-Haytham recognises that:
‘It is part of ‘human nature' to employ the senses, fallible as
they are, as ‘the tools' for studying nature. Thus man, lacking
any other alternative short of scepticism, if he is to study
nature through the senses, can only conduct it by perfecting
these tools ‘to the maximum degree that this is possible.'[20]
It was Ibn al-Haytham’s consistent and constant attempt to
perfect those ‘tools', Omar
adds, which, more than
any other single factor, was responsible for this 11th
century physicist's development ‘of the experimental method to
unprecedented levels of sophistication, and its deployment in
roles foreign to those of the ‘experiments' of his
goes on to reproduce
some of Ibn al-Haytham’s experiments, including drawings and
other merit of Ibn al-Haytham, according to Russell, is his
capacity to resolve complex issues into independent yet closely
interrelated simple investigations, subjecting every problem to
a quantitative analysis of its variables under strictly
controlled conditions.[23]
Lindberg comments that it is not possible to generalise on the
results or the display of wealth of geometrical techniques
employed in Ibn al-Haytham’s Perspectiva, which was far
superior to earlier optical works, and no optical treatise
composed before the 17th century rivalled it mathematically.[24]
His Kitab al-manazir impacted upon Roger Bacon (13th
century), Witelo, da Vinci and Kepler.[25]
His studies of the refraction of light and his laws of
refraction were relied upon by both Kepler and Descartes.[26]
Kepler, in fact, took up where Ibn al-Haytham left off.[27]
al-Haytham’s ‘revolutionary’ breakthroughs are, however, far
from being revolutionary. It is important to note with Rashed,[28]
that when historians analyse Ibn Al-Haytham’s dioptrics, for
instance, they refer only to Ptolemy, which gives the impression
that Ibn al-Haytham was preceded by ‘a vacuum reaching back to
and followed by another vacuum up to al-Farisi.’[30]
In truth, Ibn al-Haytham relied to great extent on other Muslim
writers on the subject who flourished just prior to him, and one
amongst such writers was Ibn Sahl (fl. 984 at the court of
In his Discourse on Light Ibn al-Haytham referred
explicitly to Ibn Sahl and recalled some of the latter’s ideas
on the transparency of media and refraction.[31]
Ibn al-Haytham also copied Ibn Sahl’s opuscule entitled:
Proof that the Celestial Sphere is not Completely Transparent.[32]
Rashed also points out that Ibn Sahl was the first to have
studied lenses.[33]
When Ibn Sahl had completed his examination of burning mirrors,
both parabolic and ellipsoidal, Rashed notes, he considered
al-Haytham other accomplishments, to a very large extent, were
also built on his Muslim predecessors who studied the same
subjects, and that can be found amongst others with Al-Kindi,
for instance. His treatise
On the Burning Glass exhibits a profound and accurate
conception of the nature of focussing, magnifying, and inversion
of the image, and of formation of rings and colours by
In his treatise ‘The Shape of the Eclypse,' Ibn al
Haytham makes an attempt to explain the crescent image cast by
the partially eclipsed sun through a small round aperture.[36]
Ibn al-Haytham also wrote on the rainbow, the halo, and
spherical and parabolic mirrors, and fixed the height of the
atmosphere at the equivalent of about ten English miles.[37]
More of Ibn al-Haytham’s accomplishments are explained by
Schramm, but in German.[38]
Lesser known than Ibn al-Haytham is a writer on optics of Mamluk
vapours the colour of the sun is always red, as the colour of
the sunset sky and the colour seen after the morning twilight
show us; because this red colour is composed of the (colour of
the) light of the sun and that of the vapour; (it is not a body,
therefore, that causes the red colour in the rainbow). The damp
vapours are partly dense, namely the ones far from the earth
which are stiffened into stones because the cold existing in
these high regions; and (the damp vapours are) partly rare in
the lower locations because they are far away from these cold
regions and because the vapours ascending from the earth are
heated through the effect of the heat in the earth. So the dense
vapours appear almost black, very nearly sky blue (asmanjuni),
the rare ones appear pure (clear) without blue. The colour next
to the red is black. It is a rule, however, that if black and
red mix together yellow is produced. There are, therefore, four
colours on the rainbow: red, yellow, sky blue, and the pure
colour. There are two (types) of colours, the colour of the
vapours and that of the sun; and then the colour composed of
these two.’[46]
After al-Qarafi, the two other illustrious figures of Islamic
optics were Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi,[47]
and Al-Farisi. The latter repeated and improved Ibn al-Haytham’s
experiments on the camera obscura (al-Qamara or al-beit
al-muzlim), and also observed the path of the rays in the
interior of a glass sphere, hoping to determine the refraction
of solar light through raindrops. His findings enabled him to
give an explanation of the formation of the primary and
secondary rainbows.[48]
D.C. Lindberg, Theories of Vision from Al Kindi;
op cit.
A.I. Sabra: The Scientific experience; op cit; pp.
D.C. Lindberg: The Science of optics, in Science in
the Middle Ages, edited by D.C. Lindberg, op cit, pp
338-68, p. 344.
M. Meyerhof: Science, op cit, p. 320.
B. Rosenfeld and E. Ihsanoglu: Mathematicians, op
cit; p. 66.
A.I. Sabra: The Scientific Experience; op cit; p. 188.
D.C. Lindberg: Introduction in
op cit; p. xiv.
Ibn Al-Haytham: Kitab al-Manazir; books I-III (on
direct vision) edited by A.I. Sabra (
D.C. Lindberg:
Introduction; op cit; p. xv.
D.C. Lindberg: The Science of Optics; op cit; pp. 347-9.
D.R. Hill: Islamic Science, op cit,
p 72.
Kitab al-Kindi fi al-shua’at; in J. Jolivet and
R. Rashed: Al-Kindi; Dictionary of Scientific
Biography; op cit; vol 15; pp. 261-6; at p. 264.
D.R. Hill: Islamic Science, op cit,
p 72.
S.B. Omar
: Ibn al-Haytham’s Optics; op cit; p. 55.
G.A. Russell: Emergence, op cit, at p 686.
D.C. Lindberg:
Introduction; Optica; op cit;
p. xix.
M. Meyerhof: Science, op cit, 334.
D.C. Lindberg: The Western reception of Arabic optics,
in the Encyclopaedia (Rashed ed), op cit, pp
716-29, at p. 727.
R. Rashed: A Pioneer in Anaclastics: Ibn Sahl on Burning
Mirrors and Lenses;
Although Al-Kindi and Hunayn Ibn Ishaq are often
mentioned. See, for instance, D.C. Lindberg: Theories
of Vision from al-Kindi; op cit.
R. Rashed: A Pioneer in Anaclastics; op cit; p. 465.
R. Rashed: Le Discours de la Lumiere d’Ibn al-Haytham:
traduction Francaise critique; Revue d’Histoire des
Sciences (1968), vol 21; pp. 197-224.
R. Rashed: Geometrie et dioptrique au Xem siecle: Ibn
Sahl al-Quhi et Ibn al-Haytham; Collection Sciences
et Philosophie Arabes; Textes et Etudes; Paris; Les
Belles Lettres (forthcoming at the time when Rashed
wrote article in ISIS referred to above).
R. Rashed: A Pioneer in Anaclastics; op cit; pp. 465-6.
Ibid; pp. 466.
M. Meyerhof: Science; op cit; p. 334.
A.I. Sabra: The Scientific; op cit; p. 188.
M. Meyerhof: Science, op cit, p 335.
M. Schramm: Ibn al-Haytham’s Weg zur Physik (
A.M. Sayili: Al-Qarafi and his explanation of the
rainbow; ISIS XXXII; pp. 16-26, at p.16.
Ibid, p.26.
M. Amari: Questions philosophiques adressees aux savants
musulmans par Frederick II; Journal Asiatique;
(1853) I; p. 240-74.
For the nature of these questions, consult: E.
Wiedemann: Optics Studien in Laienkreisen im 13.
Jahrhunder in Aegypten, Jahrbuch fur photographie und
Reprodktionstechnik; 27 (1913),
p. 65 ff.
A.M. Sayili: Al-Qarafi and his explanation; op cit;
E. Wiedemann: Uber fata Morgana nach arabischen Quellen,
Meteorol Zeitschrift, 30 (1913), p. 246 ff.
E. Wiedemann: Arabische Studien ubr den Regenbogen;
Archiv fur die Gesch, der naturwissenschaftern und der
Technik, 4 (1913), p. 457 ff.
A.M. Sayili: Al-Qarafi and his explanation; op cit;
G. Sarton: Introduction, op cit, p. 23.
G. Anawati: Science, op cit, pp. 755-6. |